QNAP Systems, Inc.
QNAP Systems, Inc.
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TS-216G: The upgraded entry-level 2.5GbE NAS to streamline your storage and workflows
TS-216G | The most affordable 2-bay 2.5GbE QNAP NAS. Your most reliable file management center
Designed for home and small office users, the 2-bay 2.5GbE NAS TS-216G achieves high performance and smart management as an efficient and reliable file storage. You can not only enjoy easy file access, sharing, and synchronization with multiple devices, but also run productivity tools and multimedia applications to streamline your workflows and data management.
👍 2.5GbE-ready!
Experience faster file transfer and backup/restore with the TS-216G.
👍 High-performance and energy efficient
Powered by an ARM® quad-core processor and 4GB RAM for multitasking with low power consumption.
👍 Built-in NPU for AI Acceleration
NPU empowers QNAP’s AI Core to boost performance for high-speed face and object recognition.
👍 Quick USB One -Touch Copy
Easily back up the contents of USB devices to the TS-216G by pressing the “One-Touch-Copy” button.
👍 Snapshot protection against Ransomware
Protect your files and data from accidental deletion and malware attacks with snapshots.
👍 Up to 39 TB capacity
Enjoy 38.6 TB storage capacity by using two 22 TB disks; you can set up RAID 1 to protect data with 19.3 TB usable capacity.
Learn more: qnap.to/63emka
▶ QNAP Website: qnap.to/NRPZF
▶ Software Store: qnap.to/PWMQP
▶ Facebook: qnap.to/3r8fec
▶ Instagram: qnap.to/3n35l2
▶ UA-cam: qnap.to/3r4y62
Переглядів: 1 136


QNAP at Computex 2024 | Exploring QNAP's latest solutions
Переглядів 418Місяць тому
QNAP at Computex 2024 QNAP Showcases Storage and Network Solutions in AI, Smart Manufacturing, High Availability, Cloud, Video Editing, and Air Gap Backup. QNAP® Systems joined COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2024 (Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Booth No. J0628) to demonstrate comprehensive IT solutions, including AI-powered file management and surveillance, High-Availability solutions, myQNAPcloud One clo...
QNAP Customer Story | TVS-h1288X futureproofs Denhef Digital's storage, access, and backup (EN)
Переглядів 245Місяць тому
The TVS-h1288X futureproofs David's storage for recordings, resolving remote access and backup challenges while enhancing workflow efficiency. “I am definitely looking forward to using this QNAP NAS for collaborations with other film makers. We might then all connect to the same project and files on the NAS and work together on the same timeline.” - David Wall, Director of Denhef Digital The QN...
QNAP Tutorial | Veeam 備份資料不變性 & 如何透過 QuObjects 在 QNAP NAS 上建立物件儲存
Переглядів 217Місяць тому
在實施不可變的備份解決方案之前,您需要了解什麼是備份不可變性。不可變的意思是無法更改或刪除,而不可變的備份只有在指定期間結束後才能被更改或刪除,這意味著其原始完整性保持不變。隨著勒索軟體的興起,擁有不可變的備份已成為資料復原的關鍵。因為惡意軟體經常攻擊備份,有了不可變的備份,重要資料就能免於勒所威脅。 📌 備份不可變性為何如此重要? 不可變的備份不僅能幫助您在勒索軟體事件後恢復資料,還能在設計和實施一個強韌的資料保護策略時發揮其他作用。舉例而言,在人為意外刪除檔案後迅速復原。幾年前,一個政府機構因刪除了大量影響其組織外部多人的文件而上了新聞。經調查,發現該機構沒有 何備份可以恢復資料,除了文件大多已年代久遠,或在定期資料清理時已被刪除。不幸的是,這是一個高度公開的檔案丟失事件,造成了全國範圍的負面輿論,導致一些人失去了工作。這並非單一事件,許多企業也遭受了同樣類型的資料誤刪事件,無...
QNAP Tutorial | QVR Center 高可用性安全監控中控中心,集中管理達 256 個 QVR 影像監控系統
Переглядів 80Місяць тому
QVR Center 是一個針對 QVR Elite、QVR Pro 系統的集中管理解決方案。使用 QVR Pro Client,您可以同時監控來自不同伺服器的多個頻道,接收事件通知,並通過單一介面檢視所有伺服器的連接狀態。 👍 錄影伺服器容錯移轉,及時接管錄影 務 QVR Center 支援錄影伺服器容錯移轉,以降低數據丟失的風險。如果錄影伺服器發生故障,QVR Center 會自動分配備用伺服器接管錄影 務和即時影像儲存。一旦錄影伺服器重新啟動,將恢復正常運作。 👍 多對多容錯移轉 QVR Center 支援多對多容錯移轉,允許多個伺服器彼此設為容錯移轉伺服器,以減少數據丟失的風險。 👍 容錯移轉群組 QVR Center 允許建立最多 16 個容錯移轉群組。如果錄影伺服器發生故障,同一群組內的備用伺服器將接管錄影 務。 👍 QVR Pro Client 自動切換帳戶 如果...
QNAP Tutorial | 選擇最適合你的 QNAP NAS 作業系統:QTS (EXT4) v.s. QuTS hero (ZFS)
Переглядів 299Місяць тому
選擇最適合你的 QNAP NAS 作業系統:QTS (EXT4) v.s. QuTS hero (ZFS) QTS 5.0 在其穩固的基礎上進行了升級,擁有更新的系統核心和優化的用戶介面,隨之而來的是增強的安全措施來保護您的數位資產,改進的系統性能來簡化您的應用程式,以及整合的 AI 機器學習來強化圖像識別和磁碟故障預測。QTS 5.0 提供先進功能以應對快速技術變化的挑戰,帶給您數據安全、強大性能和智能化體驗。 新的核心提升了 PCIe 性能,使 QTS 5.0 能夠增強 NVMe SSD 的性能和利用率。當啟用緩存加速時,SSD 儲存可以更有效地利用,同時減輕內存資源的負擔。即使多個並發用戶訪問相同的共享資料夾, 性能依然保持高水準,並且通過 SMB/NFS 傳輸大文件變得更快。 了解更多:qnap.to/4urzpu QuTS hero 面對數據爆炸性增長、VDI 流行、SSD...
QNAP Tutorial | Netbak PC Agent 輕鬆備份你的 Windows PC
Переглядів 278Місяць тому
QNAP NetBak PC Agent 是一款免授權的 Windows® 備分工具,用於將您重要的電腦資料備份到 QNAP NAS 👍 系統備份 NetBak PC Agent 支援使用 USB 開機磁碟進行完整系統備份和還原 👍 磁碟/資料夾/文件備份 備份/還原完整的磁碟、資料夾和文件,並通過選擇特定的備份版本進行還原 👍 排程備份 一旦設定好備份規則,NetBak PC Agent 會自動完成其餘工作 👍 優化儲存容量 重複資料刪除和資料壓縮技術提升了備份效率和儲存容量 👍 節省時間 QNAP 的合成增量備份技術顯著減少了備份/還原時間 使用 Hyper Data Protector 上的 Backup Explorer 介面,在各種備份版本中找到特定的資料夾或文件,並將其還原到用戶端設備。 在完成完整備份後,後續的備份將作為增量備份,僅儲存自上次備份以來的變更。排程的增量備...
QNAP Qsirch | QNAP’s powerful, Google™ like search tool for NAS
Переглядів 261 тис.2 місяці тому
Qsirch - QNAP’s powerful, Google™ like search tool for NAS Enjoy full-text search and AI-powered semantic search to find files and images faster! 👍 What is Qsirch? Qsirch is a powerful full-text search and AI-powered semantic search engine exclusively designed for QNAP NAS, allowing you to find files stored on NAS faster. Simply enter keywords to start searching for files, images, videos, music...
QNAP Qsirch | 快速搜尋 NAS 檔案,就像 Google™
Переглядів 34 тис.2 місяці тому
Qsirch 快速搜尋 NAS 檔案,就像 Google™ 強大的全文檢索與 AI 語意搜尋功能,讓您迅速找到所需檔案 👍 Qsirch 是什麼? Qsirch 是 QNAP NAS 專屬的全文檢索與 AI 語意搜尋引擎,幫助您快速查找儲存在 NAS 中的所有檔案。透過關鍵字搜尋,秒速搜尋文件、圖片、影片、音樂與電子郵件等各式檔案;或啟用 AI 語意搜尋 (Semantic Search) 更精準地搜尋照片,超快、超便利! 👍 AI 語意搜尋,更直覺、更精準 Qsirch 5.4.0 超級進化!創新支援 AI 驅動的語意搜尋 (Semantic Search) 功能,讓圖片搜尋更準確!您能以更直覺且口語化的描述句作為搜尋指令 (支援達 23 種語言),縮小搜尋範圍以達精準的搜尋結果,體驗更高效的檔案搜尋。 語意搜圖:輸入一句您想要搜尋的照片之描述,即可找到所有相關圖片 (例如:小狗在...
QNAP 20th Anniversary | Stay One Step Ahead
Переглядів 1,2 тис.3 місяці тому
About QNAP QNAP (Quality Network Appliance Provider) is devoted to providing comprehensive solutions in software development, hardware design and in-house manufacturing. Focusing on storage, networking and smart video innovations, QNAP now introduce a revolutionary Cloud NAS solution that joins our cutting-edge subscription-based software and diversified service channel ecosystem. QNAP envision...
QNAP 20 周年 | 創新,更進一步
Переглядів 2283 місяці тому
關於 QNAP QNAP 命名源自於高品質網路設備製造商(Quality Network Appliance Provider),我們致力研發軟體應用,匠心優化硬體設計,並設立自有生產線以提供全面而先進的科技解決方案。QNAP 專注於儲存、網通及智慧視訊產品創新,並提供 Cloud NAS 解決方案,透過軟體訂閱制及多元化服務管道建構嶄新的科技生態圈。在 QNAP 的企業藍圖中,NAS 早已突破儲存裝置的框架,搭配雲基礎網路架構上的多項研發創新,協助客戶高效率導入人工智慧分析、邊緣運算及資訊整合應用,創造更大優勢與價值。 了解更多:www.qnap.com ───────────────────────────────── ▶ QNAP Website: qnap.to/NRPZF ▶ Software Store: qnap.to/PWMQP ▶ QNAP 網路商城: qnap.t...
QNAP 20th Anniversary | QNAP 20 周年紀念永續運動會
Переглядів 4003 місяці тому
QNAP 20th Anniversary | QNAP 20 周年紀念永續運動會
How to monitor network devices via Zabbix on a QNAP NAS
Переглядів 2 тис.4 місяці тому
How to monitor network devices via Zabbix on a QNAP NAS
QNAP Tutorial | SMB 用戶如何利用 Zabbix 監測企業網路設備
Переглядів 3984 місяці тому
QNAP Tutorial | SMB 用戶如何利用 Zabbix 監測企業網路設備
QSW-M7308R-4X: Half-width Rackmount 100GbE Managed Switch, cost-optimized for enterprise IT
Переглядів 8164 місяці тому
QSW-M7308R-4X: Half-width Rackmount 100GbE Managed Switch, cost-optimized for enterprise IT
QSW-M7308R-4X:企業 IT 精省首選,半機架式超高速 100GbE 網管型交換器
Переглядів 3094 місяці тому
QSW-M7308R-4X:企業 IT 精省首選,半機架式超高速 100GbE 網管型交換器
TS-h3077AFU ZFS AFA NAS with an AMD Ryzen 7000 series CPU, DDR5, PCIe Gen4 for PB storage and 100GbE
Переглядів 7154 місяці тому
TS-h3077AFU ZFS AFA NAS with an AMD Ryzen 7000 series CPU, DDR5, PCIe Gen4 for PB storage and 100GbE
QNAP Customer Story | Festival Mental uses TS-364 NAS and myQNAPcloud to store and access files (EN)
Переглядів 3955 місяців тому
QNAP Customer Story | Festival Mental uses TS-364 NAS and myQNAPcloud to store and access files (EN)
QNAP Tutorial | 如何將雲端備份檔案還原到 QNAP NAS
Переглядів 9256 місяців тому
QNAP Tutorial | 如何將雲端備份檔案還原到 QNAP NAS
QNAP Tutorial | 使用 QNAP 10GbE NAS 編輯影片的最佳設定配置
Переглядів 4346 місяців тому
QNAP Tutorial | 使用 QNAP 10GbE NAS 編輯影片的最佳設定配置
QNAP Tutorial | ADRA NDR 快篩網路偵測及應變解決方案實作教學
Переглядів 2246 місяців тому
QNAP Tutorial | ADRA NDR 快篩網路偵測及應變解決方案實作教學
TS-h1277AXU-RP / TS-h1677AXU-RP: Enterprise NAS with an AMD Ryzen 7000 Series CPU, DDR5, PCIe Gen 4
Переглядів 9266 місяців тому
TS-h1277AXU-RP / TS-h1677AXU-RP: Enterprise NAS with an AMD Ryzen 7000 Series CPU, DDR5, PCIe Gen 4
TBS-h574TX | Make your creativity bloom with the lightning-fast Thunderbolt 4 All-Flash NASbook
Переглядів 9306 місяців тому
TBS-h574TX | Make your creativity bloom with the lightning-fast Thunderbolt 4 All-Flash NASbook
TL-R1200PES-RP / TL-R1600PES-RP / TL-R2400PES-RP: PB-scale with PCIe JBOD / Expansion card series
Переглядів 5417 місяців тому
TL-R1200PES-RP / TL-R1600PES-RP / TL-R2400PES-RP: PB-scale with PCIe JBOD / Expansion card series
TL-R1200PES-RP / TL-R1600PES-RP / TL-R2400PES-RP 企業款 QNAP NAS 專用 PB 級串接擴充 PCIe JBOD / 擴充卡系列
Переглядів 2267 місяців тому
TL-R1200PES-RP / TL-R1600PES-RP / TL-R2400PES-RP 企業款 QNAP NAS 專用 PB 級串接擴充 PCIe JBOD / 擴充卡系列
TBS-h574TX: Thunderbolt 4 all-flash NASbook supports E1.S/M.2 NVMe SSDs, empowering ongoing projects
Переглядів 4,3 тис.7 місяців тому
TBS-h574TX: Thunderbolt 4 all-flash NASbook supports E1.S/M.2 NVMe SSDs, empowering ongoing projects
TBS-h574TX:Thunderbolt™ 4 全快閃 NASbook,支援 E1.S/M.2 NVMe SSD,以閃電效率完成影像剪輯專案
Переглядів 1,6 тис.7 місяців тому
TBS-h574TX:Thunderbolt™ 4 全快閃 NASbook,支援 E1.S/M.2 NVMe SSD,以閃電效率完成影像剪輯專案
QSW-3216R-8S8T Half-width Rackmount 16port 10GbE Unmanaged Switch for SMB/SOHO high-speed networking
Переглядів 1,1 тис.8 місяців тому
QSW-3216R-8S8T Half-width Rackmount 16port 10GbE Unmanaged Switch for SMB/SOHO high-speed networking
QSW-3216R-8S8T:半機架寬 16 埠全 10GbE 非網管型交換器, 快速為中小型企業/SOHO 族佈建高速網路環境
Переглядів 3918 місяців тому
QSW-3216R-8S8T:半機架寬 16 埠全 10GbE 非網管型交換器, 快速為中小型企業/SOHO 族佈建高速網路環境
TVS-h674T / TVS-h874T|Unleash your creativity with the world's first Thunderbolt™ 4 NAS
Переглядів 7928 місяців тому
TVS-h674T / TVS-h874T|Unleash your creativity with the world's first Thunderbolt™ 4 NAS


  • @tethchiaqon5643
    @tethchiaqon5643 5 днів тому

    I really not understand what are you all talking about!

  • @Slingshot4FunTW
    @Slingshot4FunTW 7 днів тому

    最大可以接幾T ?正在考慮 seagate 12t

  • @hjg0417
    @hjg0417 9 днів тому


  • @SeanMcQuade-b3c
    @SeanMcQuade-b3c 12 днів тому

    Will the Storage & Snapshots application work with the TL-R1200C-RP? The download center only offers the QNAP JBOD Manager as an option for that device.

  • @Nalianna
    @Nalianna 19 днів тому

    If these didn't cost 2 kidneys and a leg, i'd have 3 of them.

  • @nitix6073
    @nitix6073 19 днів тому

    that not work whit starlink ?

  • @GirishShahNZ
    @GirishShahNZ 24 дні тому

    Integration doesnt work anymore. They still promote it for some reason!

  • @Ro301pt
    @Ro301pt 26 днів тому

    O Qfile não permite ver, modificar e gravar ficheiros como documentos de texto. Podiam usar o Libreoffice ou algum projeto open souce. Não se percebe como um serviço NAS alemão não consegue ter um aplicativo que permita o acesso aos ficheiros fora de casa que seja possível editá-los sem ter de transferi-los cada vez que se quer editá-los. É preciso usar ferramentas de terceiros cuja instalação ainda é complicada. De resto é um aplicativo EXCELENTE!

  •  27 днів тому

    Impossible to follow this instruction with this annoying music! Gaaaaahhhh

  • @FlorianBuchholz1
    @FlorianBuchholz1 28 днів тому

    This isn't really a Tutorial and it's one of the worst introduction videos to a software I have ever seen. Are you embarrassed about your software, or why are you bringing this quality to the table?

  • @jyrileskinen2792
    @jyrileskinen2792 Місяць тому

    oh shit, this is frustrating. why it just cant be simple ?

  • @KrisPucci
    @KrisPucci Місяць тому

    Why did you add another region rule when one is already created when you setup the Firewall region?

  • @MG-zo6nq
    @MG-zo6nq Місяць тому

    What really gets me is that you don’t sell the units on your website except for third parties and they do not have any what’s the point

  • @briguymaine
    @briguymaine Місяць тому

    dear lord, pay for a real voice over. "nos" instead of NAS is an embarrassment

  • @vivelasciences3726
    @vivelasciences3726 Місяць тому

    Vive qnap bat qnap lui manque de l'application pour l'entreprise comme les dms les ged aussi la gestio d'entreprise et.....

  • @janzlasu4938
    @janzlasu4938 Місяць тому

    Best QNAP model ever (SOHO)

  • @caiomac6636
    @caiomac6636 Місяць тому

    no one wants to use myQNAPcloud. Everyone wants to use their own domain, but it seems impossible to install an SSL certificate for their own domain. you should explain how to...

  • @user-yx2bb3gk9s
    @user-yx2bb3gk9s Місяць тому

    Explain why you abandoned the RG-45 twisted pair connector? is it NAS (Network-attached)?

  • @frankiemahon
    @frankiemahon Місяць тому

    Hi. Great video, thanks. I'm looking for a new NAS and was thinking of the larger version of this unit, the TVS-H1688X-W1250, but it looks like it's no longer being made. I've tried to find the QNAP hardware roadmap but have not had any luck. Have you heard of what's coming down the pipe for a replacement?

  • @cheersYY
    @cheersYY 2 місяці тому

    既然你認為qts hero最佳運行內存是32g,為何在h574tx上依然使用16gb不可更換內存呢

  • @ubacow7109
    @ubacow7109 2 місяці тому

    Any way i can tag files and then just search for them by tag?

  • @iancunicolae2626
    @iancunicolae2626 2 місяці тому

    How do I organize uploaded photos form my iphone into folders (year month ) because otherwise i reach 20K files in one folder and it becomes hard to navigate and open the folder.

  • @JokerTheVlad
    @JokerTheVlad 2 місяці тому

    It is time for a new DAS please

  • @andyhey4576
    @andyhey4576 2 місяці тому

    This particular TS-673 has a DESIGN FLAW that had been hidden by QNAP and it is related to weak cooling capability of the build-in fan for its 35 Watt CPU !!!! As well, the automatic fan speed prifile is wrongly implemented by QNAP causing over time the CPU being detached from the motherboard due to operating in its upper TDP temperature. STAY AWAY from this brand until their design concept improve.

  • @fenimama
    @fenimama 2 місяці тому

    where the hell is client secret? is this the password used by admin account? or the text pad which has bunch of charatcters which i downloaded from powershell script

  • @shingareom
    @shingareom 2 місяці тому

    And today we got zero day ❤😢

  • @mkrugr6401
    @mkrugr6401 2 місяці тому

    Although you mentioned you would deal with duplicate photos at the beginning, I don't think you actually spoke about it. If you did, can you identify the time when you did so?

  • @mkrugr6401
    @mkrugr6401 2 місяці тому

    I do not understand why you called this a demo. I don't know any more how to use Note Station 3 after watching this. It was more like an open the box product discussion which I have seen on UA-cam, than a demo. It would be very helpful if you did a presentation on how to transfer Evernote notes to Notes Station 3. It is not easy and your "demo" did not help in this area at all.

  • @chun-fuhuang3481
    @chun-fuhuang3481 2 місяці тому


  • @philstevenson-kh1yg
    @philstevenson-kh1yg 2 місяці тому

    this falls down at first hurdle as qnap pro does not show map network drive in tools menu

  • @sadravin1
    @sadravin1 2 місяці тому

    He shows how to enable it but not use it. lame

  • @duoduojia
    @duoduojia 2 місяці тому


  • @Keepingthefaith72
    @Keepingthefaith72 2 місяці тому

    Do we really have to listen to all this waffle just to find out how to use Qmedia .....

  • @zortha3941
    @zortha3941 3 місяці тому

    I want to know if it has any compatibility with a Linux operating system

  • @user-zv3lj1ef7l
    @user-zv3lj1ef7l 3 місяці тому

    I just got the Qnap QSW-2104-2S today. The responsiveness is totally next level technology. Coming from a 10/100mbps switch, the 2104 is lightning fast!

  • @ds99
    @ds99 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this video. I’m unable to understand a lot of what’s being said due to the accent but I really appreciate the effort.

  • @ahgo7405
    @ahgo7405 3 місяці тому

    لو سمحت نسيت الباسورد ومش عارف اعمل ايه

  • @leicaman
    @leicaman 3 місяці тому

    Or use ZFS and no volumes!

  • @jimmylr5547
    @jimmylr5547 3 місяці тому

    Happy birthday Qnap 🎉👍🍾

  • @franckbricaud
    @franckbricaud 3 місяці тому

    Super géniale l’évolution de cette entreprise et de ses produits !

  • @AlexanderOverfield
    @AlexanderOverfield 3 місяці тому

    The video does not represent the current state of the Container overview, it doesnt look like this in my update NAS. I have tried to install this container and it fails to load various files it needs. THe 'official page' for this app states you need to create various folders first. Also QNAP Club is no longer, refer instead to My QNAP. The dependency does not appear to be required however you will need a more recent Mongo installation.

  • @aleksabdrsbulicevs3481
    @aleksabdrsbulicevs3481 3 місяці тому

    good - but why i canot acces to other sites like google facebook and so on - after i swiched it

  • @lawc.l.3245
    @lawc.l.3245 3 місяці тому

    最後的程序看不明!我原來的 3T HD ,更換8T HD,應該輸入多少?

  • @thefinalprophecy
    @thefinalprophecy 4 місяці тому

    Thanks for this--been using Zabbix for years. Any chance of adding support to monitor via Zabbix Agent 2 instead of SNMP?

  • @linfrank8417
    @linfrank8417 4 місяці тому

    假若TR-004插在PC上,能與電腦同步開關機嗎? 或是TR-004是獨立開關?

  • @blackster000
    @blackster000 4 місяці тому

    really useless tutorial...no details at all

  • @ksharma7490
    @ksharma7490 4 місяці тому

    How do you get the preshared key for Qbelt? Wish these videos wouldnt gloss over info needed to get to the next step or at least provide a link on how to do that part. Can someone advise please?

    • @gszkc
      @gszkc 4 місяці тому

      The preshared key is user created. If you're taking about the Preshared Key field that appears at 4:19, You can put anything that meets the requirements in that field, just remember what it is. You'll need to input it again for your client machines.

  • @ottobeekman5651
    @ottobeekman5651 4 місяці тому

    Is there a way to completely factory reset a QNAP via SSH command line? Having a problem of once I get to the logon screen of the QNAP GUI, typing in default user and password after using the Reset button on the back of the QNAP, the console does not launch with just a running spinning wheel but never loads any apps.?

  • @colinire15
    @colinire15 4 місяці тому

    Difficult to concentrate on the instructions with that racket in the background. Trying elsewhere.